Unique Building in the World I

Ilmu Arsitektur memang berkembang pesat. Kreatifitas seorang arsitek dapat dilihat dari gedung dan bangunan yang dirancangnya, yang kadang membuat decak kagum bagi orang-orang yang melihatnya. Dibawah ini beberapa bangunan unik yang mungkin mencengangkan anda ....

The Basket Building 
If you look at it from the sky you will feel like someone has just left his basket, but when you come down, towards it, you will find that the basket is growing bigger and bigger. Well, this is no ordinary basket but The Basket Building in Newark, Ohio. The giant basket today houses various corporate offices within it. The Longaberger Company has its headquarters here in the same building and it was the idea of Dave Longaberger to build a headquarter building which was unique from the rest of the regular office buildings. And, therefore, he came up with an idea of making a building which looks exactly the same like the baskets that Longaberger Company makes for American people.

The Crooked House
This building looks exactly the same as it sounds. The Crooked House today has become one of the most popular tourism spots in Poland and many people come here only to checkout this amazing piece of architecture. Also known as The Kyzywy Domek, the building was made in 2004 and is a part of a shopping center so there is nothing to fear about as thousands of people walk in and out of this architectural wonder. The building has a mysterious shape because the designer, Szotynscy Zaleski, was much inspired by fairy tales that had irregular shaped houses.

Habitat 67
Habitat 67 almost looks like the slums of any third world nation but it is an architectural marvel because this housing complex has been designed with meticulous precision to ensure that the structure can stand firmly. Habitat 67 was built as a part of Expo67 and is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The design shows us the diversity of scattered homes which are interlocked with each other in such a way that each house has its own private space, and at the same time it illustrates the crowd of the urban areas.

Cube House
If you ever go to Rotterdam, make sure you checkout the Cube Houses. This innovative housing structure looks very different from the rest because you will find cube shaped houses tilted on top of regular buildings which look very unique and crazy. The Cube House is located on Overblaak Street. Many international tourists who visit Rotterdam often find it very amusing and are curious to know more about these structures because they look like they might fall down at any moment.

Kansas City Public Library
No library in the world is as unique as the Kansas City Public Library because it looks like a huge book shelf from outside with books on it. The building is located in Missouri and people who are here often wonder at the architectural genius that converted the entire building into a massive book shelf with some of the most famous books in the world on it. All the book titles mentioned represent Kansas City in some or the other way and have been picked by the public of Kansas City.

Basque Health Department in bilbao
This building is located in Bilbao, Spain and it was built in 2008. Construction took four long years, but the results are simply amazing. The projection of the building took a whole year and architects behind this amazing building are Juan Coll-Barreu and Daniel Gutiérrez Zarza from Coll-Barreu Arquitectos. Besides Juan Coll-Barreu and Daniel Gutiérrez Zarza, other important people, such as Fernando de la Maza, Jorge Bilbao, Pablo Castro, Gorka García worked on this building.

This building takes 9,200 sqm and such great building costs 12,935,436 Euros or 17,9 million dollars. Despite the price, this building is simply breathtaking because it looks shattered and distorted. Although this building looks like it’s going to crash, it’s perfectly safe. Its façade is made out of glass that is placed at irregular angles and this is what makes this building so unique. This building is energy efficient and it will prevent the loss of natural light, heat, and sound.

The thing that impresses the people are the reflections that look different at different time of day or at different seasons.As for number of floors, this building consists out of seven floors for offices, two floors for institutional and representative uses, auditorium in basement, three level parking, and a meeting room in the tower. So what is this amazing building? It’s not a secret base or something like that, it’s just a simple Basque Health Department.

Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
Mentang2 bangun gedung buat penelitian kesehatan otak, eh .. gedungnya malah merusak otak ... hehehe

Tianzi hotel 
Located in Hebei province, China, the Tianzi Hotel was built sometime in the 2000-2001 period. It is a ten-story high representation of Fu Lu Shou (good fortune, prosperity and longevity) that apparently holds the Guinness World Record for the “biggest image building” whatever that means.

You probably won’t find much more info about the Tianzi Hotel on English websites. Don’t know if it will help, but it’s also known as The Emperor Hotel and Son of Heaven Hotel.

The Bar Code Building, St. Petersburg, Russia

Train station in Moka, Japan

The Ripleys Museum, Branson Missouri

Titanic museum, branson missouri 

Burj Al-Fatih building, Khartoum, Sudan

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain
City: Bilbao, Spain
Background: Renowned architect Frank Gehry designed the Guggenheim Museum in an industrial city in Northern Spain. Glass walls link the building’s striking curves, which are made of stone, glass and titanium.

How It’s Strange: The building fits into a style of architecture called deconstructivism, which is known for “stimulating unpredictability and controlled chaos,” Israel says. A building of this complexity is rare because it requires advanced technology to design. For example, Gehry created these mathematically complex curves with a 3D computer design program initially developed for the aerospace industry.

Hundertwasser Building (Forest Spiral), Darmstadt, Germany

Turning Torso, Malmö
The tower reaches a height of 190 metres (623 feet) with 54 stories.The design is based on a sculpture by Santiago Calatrava called Twisting Torso. It uses nine segments of five-story pentagons that twist as it rises; the topmost segment is twisted ninety degrees clockwise with respect to the ground floor.

Building in Kolkata, India

Indira Gandhi Planetarium, Lucknow

InterContinental Yokohama Grand Hotel

Sanyo Solar Ark Building, Gifu, Japan

Science Center NEMO, Amsterdamn

Solar Furnace, Odeillo, france

The National Library, Minsk
City: Minsk, Belarus
Background: The Belarus National Library’s design was selected in an international contest in 1989, but construction didn’t begin until 2002.

How It’s Strange: The goal of making such common buildings look weird, Israel says, is to make them “landmarks within a city, not only spaces that have practical function.” This one is meant to resemble a diamond.

Torre Agbar in Barcelona 

Voglereiter Auto Residence, Salzburg, Austria 

Baca Juga

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